So You Want To Start A Handyman Business?
Welcome to Handyman Startup!
You’ve found the #1 online resource for starting and growing a profitable handyman business.
Most people don’t realize how profitable a handyman business can be. It’s not uncommon for a one-person handyman operation to hit six figures in income.
And, in most cases, you don’t need any qualifications to get started. All you need is basic handy skills, the willingness to work hard, and the right approach.
And that’s where Handyman Startup comes in. Since 2012, I’ve dedicated myself to deconstructing the handyman business to reveal how to generate a high income, freedom, and enjoyment.
Now, I’d like to share what I’ve learned to help you.
Why would I share my best tips and strategies?

I believe everybody should enjoy what they do instead of feeling stuck in jobs they hate.
I’ve been there, and I know how it feels.
Before starting my business, I was working a 9-5 as a mechanical engineer. Sure, I made good money, had solid benefits and job security, and all the things most people aspire to.
But I hated it. I hated being stuck in an office all day long, going home tired and unsatisfied, and having to wake up and do it again and again, day after day.
It was draining my soul.
Life’s too short to waste your time. And that’s why I eventually quit my job to start my handyman business.
Once I broke free and saw the light on the other side, I helped others do the same, and that’s when Handyman Startup was born. I want to show others what is possible and help people realize their business potential.
As a result, I’ve created an online resource that can take a complete beginner from a business novice to a six-figure handyman income.
And that’s what you’ve stumbled upon – a gateway to a six-figure income doing something you enjoy.
Get Started On The Path To Freedom
If you’re ready to get started, take the first step now.
Download my free report, “3 Common Handyman Business Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them).”
In it, you’ll learn the three big mistakes that nearly all new handymen make. These mistakes are the source of most business failures. But they’re easy to avoid if you know what they are in advance.
By reading this short PDF report, you’ll gain an immediate advantage over most new business owners and a new sense of confidence.
This short pdf is essential reading for anybody starting or growing a handyman business.