Finally…A simple, proven system for starting and growing a profitable handyman business
Use this step-by-step guide to turn your EXISTING home repair skills into a RELIABLE side income of $1,000/month – with just 5 hours a week
Then watch your business grow until it replaces your day job and allows you to take control of your life and time
Even if you only have basic home repair skills…
Even if you don’t have a contractor’s license…
Even if you have zero business experience…
Are you ready to start building your business, but feel overwhelmed by the idea of trying to find the time and take care of your family and work at a demanding job?
It’s a lot to handle.
Of course, living the American Dream sounds great.
You’d get to take time off whenever you wanted, spend more time with your family, and spend more time on hobbies. Not to mention, no more waking up at the crack of dawn to an alarm clock or commuting during rush hour.
There’s no doubt that owning a profitable business is a huge lifestyle upgrade.
But making progress on your business can be difficult, if not impossible. It’s hard to find the time and energy to build your business when you already have so much going on.
You can’t just go quitting your job either. That’s too risky and could leave you crawling back to your day job with even less money and freedom than you have now.
If you’re like most people in this situation, you probably feel trapped.
Trapped by increasing responsibilities. Trapped by limited time. Even trapped by indecision, not knowing which road to take to escape that feeling of being trapped.
I know exactly how that feels, because I’ve been there myself.
Before starting my handyman business, I was stuck in a job I absolutely hated
I worked as an engineer and even though I was paid well and had health insurance and good retirement benefits, I hated feeling chained down to my desk all day, working for a boss that didn’t appreciate my effort.
Each day I would wake up to an alarm clock, roll out of bed and then drag myself to work. The first couple hours of work weren’t so bad, but by 10am I would be counting down the minutes until 5pm.
This just wasn’t what I imaged while spending five years in college to get my degree. I was basically glorified desk labor, and it was tearing out my soul one day at a time.
I wanted control over my time. I wanted to feel like what I did mattered. And I wanted more than a lousy 2 weeks of vacation every year.
I wanted to start my own business.
But no matter how bad I wanted to, I couldn’t get any momentum. I didn’t know what steps to take, and I had no time to learn.
Then to add to the pressure, I watched as a good friend succeeded with his business. It felt like I was falling further and further behind in life. It was like everybody was succeeding all around me while I just remained stuck in misery and doubt.
I’d try to find ways to convince myself my situation wasn’t so bad, but deep down I knew the truth.
I had to find a way to escape.
I didn’t want to work away the best years of my life only to retire at age 70, wishing I could have spent more time with my family or doing things I enjoyed. Or even worse, wondering what could have been if I would have just bet on myself and started a business.
And finally, I reached my breaking point.
Not only did I hate my job, but the stressful lifestyle I was living led to health issues.
I started experiencing joint pain and getting injured easily.
I couldn’t participate in sports that I loved because my body hurt.
I started spiraling into depression.
It’s amazing how the stress of working a job you hate can effect your health so dramatically.
And this all finally led me to quit my job.
I didn’t really have another choice. It was either stay in a situation that was guaranteed to be terrible, or take a risk and at least have the opportunity for a better life.
But quitting my job didn’t solve my problem. I was just trading one prison for another.
Sure, I didn’t have to show up to that job anymore, but now I had to figure out how to start my business with limited income, limited time, and zero business experience.
The unfortunate truth about starting a business
Let’s be real here – starting a business takes work.
You’re not just going to sit back in a recliner and collect cash – or make money while you sleep – or any of those other fantastical ideas.
These things are possible, but you’ve got to crawl before you dunk a basketball.
However, you clearly aren’t afraid of getting your hands dirty. Otherwise you would never consider starting a handyman business and would have left this page already.
Now when I started my business, I wasn’t afraid of work either. The only problem was I didn’t know what to do!
Despite reading dozens of “how to start a business books” and even several books specifically on how to start a handyman business, I was at a loss for how to actually get started.
What I needed was a step-by-step guide that I could follow.
What I got was a bunch of information like “word of mouth is the best advertising” and “write a business plan.”
But I didn’t know how to write a business plan and my friends and family weren’t lining up to hire me.
It was like every book was written by a handyman who had been in business for 20+ years, and totally forgot what it was like to be a beginner.
They all left out critical advice and were filled with outdated marketing strategies.
But I was determined, so I kept on pushing forward with the little knowledge that I had.
Despite having very little home repair experience, no network, and no idea what I was doing, I started my handyman business.
And I made all kinds of mistakes.
I wasted money on advertising that didn’t work. I underbid jobs – which caused me to work for free in many cases. I wasted time on things that didn’t even matter. I also way underpriced my services.
In the first few months, I almost gave up several times and even considering getting a bartending job.
But for some reason, I didn’t. Instead, I got even more determined.
I started contacting other successful business owners and interviewed them. I talked to millionaire landscapers, successful plumbers, accountants, marketing experts, and even other handyman business owners from around the country.
I took business and marketing courses that were offered for other industries since I couldn’t find much related to the handyman business.
I started to put the pieces together, and after months of fumbling around, things started to click.
I learned what customers actually wanted.
I figured out which jobs were profitable, and which ones to turn down.
I learned which marketing strategies got my phone ringing – and which ones wasted money.
I even learned that I could charge much more than I initially expected.
My confidence soared…and so did my profits. I was finally experiencing the freedom I wanted so badly while being chained to my desk a year earlier.
I finally “cracked the code” to a profitable handyman business
I started making $90+ per hour offering basic repairs.
My schedule was full of happy customers who actually appreciated my hard work.
I was making as much as I was as an engineer, working only half the hours.
I went from hating my job to actually enjoying my work.
I went from having just two measly weeks of vacation each year to taking time off whenever I chose.
And the best part? I now have two kids, and I get to be there to watch them grow up – which has been an amazing experience so far.
And not only has this changed my life for the better – but I’ve been sharing what I learned with others and they’ve seen the same, if not better results. I’ve helped hundreds of people escape their day jobs by starting a local service business.
And finally, for the first time ever, I’ve put everything into a complete, step-by-step system that you can follow to turn your skills into a profitable handyman business – starting today.
“I’m now making 2x the money, working 2x less than I used to.””
I followed several of your pointers. I started my business two weeks ago. I’m now overwhelmed with work. I have several thousands of $$$ in leads, and have already completed several jobs. I finally feel the freedom I’ve been longing for. Like you, I was working in architectural/engineering offices. It was dreadful. I value my education, for educations sake. But to be your own boss is priceless. I’m now making 2x the money, working 2x less than I use to.”
-Shane Smith

Turn Your Skills Into Profit is a complete, step-by-step system designed to help you turn your EXISTING home repair skills into a profitable business…Whether you are looking to go full time, or just want to start a business on the side.
And it’s created with you in mind.
This isn’t just a bunch of business theory or random tactics thrown together, it’s a carefully crafted, well thought-out, proven system that will take you from business newbie to earning $1,000/month on the side – and beyond.
Insurance, licensing, marketing, pricing…
…It’s all inside
I’ve made it my focus over the past 5+ years to create the ultimate training to help people turn their home repair skills into a six-figure income.
I’ve interviewed million dollar business owners, read countless books, tested strategies in my own business, and boiled everything down into something you can use to increase your income and freedom.
Very rarely will you see this type of focus, time, and testing invested into any program. And today, it’s your opportunity to take full advantage of this system to start your business.
- Who the most profitable customers are – and where to find them.
- Don’t get intimidated by Licensing and Insurance. I’ll break down everything you need to know about setting your business up to operate legally – without eating up your business profits.
- The simple, but overlooked things you must do to keep your customers loyal so they keep coming back for more.
- Why is there so much opportunity for handymen? Because most people believe in 3 big myths. Once you learn what they are, you’ll wonder why everybody doesn’t start a handyman business.
- “The Word of Mouth Trap” – Inside, you’ll learn what it is and how to avoid it.
- How to guarantee your schedule is full of profitable jobs – without spending all day on advertising.
- 3 Critical Mistakes nearly ALL handymen make, and the simple steps you need to take to avoid them.
- There are 5 stages to building a handyman business. Inside, you’ll learn what they are, and how you can follow them to effortlessly build a highly profitable business.
- Why a business plan is a waste of time – and the only three things you need to know before launching your business.
- How much should you charge for your services? Inside, you’ll learn my simple framework that you can use to guarantee you generate a profit.
- Common pricing mistakes that can cost you big, and much more.
Inside, you’ll learn everything you need to get your business up and running, generating at least $1,000 per month on the side, and getting you one step closer to escaping your day job.
“My handyman business is really taking off thanks to your tips and advice . I’m doing very well with plenty of satisfied customers.”
After following your Handyman start up guide and enrolling in your Web Academy I commenced my Handyman business at the start of September. A month later things are really happening…I am receiving regular jobs and this week was a real sensation…Anyway I am loving my new career and I am really grateful to you for your exceptional guidance and advice, thanks Dan!”
-Justin Terill, Australia
“Your programs and podcasts are priceless to me! Thank you for all of the information you have provided. I have been a maintenance supervisor for a HOA for the last 10 years and a total of 18 years. I have been dreaming of my own business for years! With your incite I feel it is possible now…I already have a full schedule with just a Facebook page and word of mouth. I will leap in full time very soon thanks to you!”
Have a demanding job? A busy schedule? And just a few hours per week to spend on building your business?
No problem.
This 3 part audio course is all about helping you crush your goals – even if you only have a few hours each week to invest in growing your business.
You’ll learn:
- How to start your business when you only have a 5-10 hours of free time each week.
- What to consider when scheduling customers around your busy schedule.
- Can’t answer the phone while at work? Try my “Followup Batching” strategy to make sure you capture leads without being a slave to your phone.
- How to know when your business is successful enough to quit your job.
- How to use your job as leverage to build your business faster than if you didn’t have a job.
It’s also designed with extreme convenience in mind. Listen to it on the go whenever you want – whether that is while driving to and from work or even doing DIY projects on your home.
It will help keep you motived and focused so you can achieve your goals instead of just dreaming about them.

Watch your progress and stay on track with this complete checklist. This is perfect if you are busy and have multiple things going on. Each time you work on your business you can pick up right where you left off – so you can build your business in less time.

I’ve saved the best for last here. In this all new 4-part audio program, I provide a crash course on marketing a local service business. Not only do I share over a dozen effective methods for filling your schedule, I share the big picture strategy of how to approach your marketing for both success in the short term and success in the long term.
- 11 effective marketing methods that you can use to start attracting customers quickly – which are useful for either starting your business or filling gaps in your schedule.
- Common pitfalls to avoid when marketing your services that could cost you money and customers.
- Three passive marketing strategies that – once implemented – will ensure you keep your schedule filled automatically – without paying for leads or ads.
- EXACTLY what I would do to advertise my services (and in what order) if I was to start my handyman business from scratch all over again.
It’s all delivered through high quality audio that you can download and listen to at your convenience. This program alone is easily worth the entire investment to get Turn Your Skills Into Profit because I share nearly a decade of marketing experience in a short, well structured, audio program. And it’s my gift to you when you purchase today.
Turn Your Skills Into Profit is NOT for you if…
- You’re just searching for the latest get rich quick scheme.
- You’re just looking for more information but will not implement it.
- You can’t commit at least 5 hours per week to building your business.
Turn Your Skills Into Profit IS for you if…
- You enjoy working with your hands and helping people – and want to learn how build a profitable side business that eventually replaces your current income.
- You’re willing to invest at least 5 hours per week in building your business.
- You’re in this for the long term – and you know that there will be ups and downs, but the freedom of being in control of your own time is worth it.
- You’ve struggled to get momentum in building your business in the past and just want a step-by-step system to walk you through the process.
What If I Don’t Have A Contractor’s License?
Perfect! Neither do I and neither do most of my successful students.
In fact, having a contractor’s license is of little benefit to you as a handyman unless you want to take on big jobs like kitchen remodels.
Since most small repairs don’t require a contractor’s license, that means you can get started today. If you want to get a contractor’s license later, go for it.
As a handyman, you’ll be filling an important need for homeowners. You’ll handle the small repairs and maintenance that contractor’s don’t want to deal with because they’re too busy on big projects.
Many handymen actually prefer the smaller jobs because they can visit a customer, bang out a few small projects, collect payment, and it’s off to the next job.
There’s no looming stress that you’d experience while trying to tackle big, complex projects.
What if I don’t have a work vehicle?
Good question. A work vehicle is your mobile office, and it is important.
But, you don’t need a fancy work truck or van to get started. Sure, it would be nice, and recommended if you can pull it off. But, it’s far from necessary.
I’ve seen people offering services out of their mini-vans!
You can always start out with what you have – whether that be with tools or a work vehicle – and upgrade as your business gains momentum.
But I’m not an “Expert”
Listen, there will always be somebody saying you’re not good enough. And sometimes we are our own worst enemies.
The fear of not being good enough keeps us stuck in place, never moving forward.
Most people think they need to be an expert and have twenty years of construction experience to start a handyman business.
I’m glad that’s not true because if it was, my business wouldn’t work! When I started my business, the only experience I had was from doing repairs on my own home.
In fact, most of the skills I have now I learned while operating my handyman business. I just started with what I knew how to do, and kept learning from there.
If you’re good with people, good with your hands, and are a good problem solver, you have all the skills you need to make a killing as a handyman.
If this doesn’t guide you to launching a ridiculously profitable handyman business…
If your business doesn’t grow FAST…
If this doesn’t IGNITE you with confidence…
If this doesn’t motivate you to finally take action…
…then I want you to request a refund.
Try it risk free for 30 days – and if you don’t like it for any reason, simply send me an e-mail to let me know within 30 days of your purchase date and I’ll give you a prompt and full refund. No hassles, no questions asked.
I believe in offering a quality product – and this is the best training you’ll find to grow your service business.
There is ZERO risk to you. Try it, and if you don’t like it, you get a full refund.

- The Complete Step-by-Step eBook – Everything you need to turn your EXISTING skills into a $1,000 per month (or more) side income.
- Handyman On The Side Audio Course – Get momentum toward your goals even if you have a demanding job and limited time and energy.
- Startup Checklist – Stay on track, maintain motivation, and build your business with ease.
- Local Marketing Crash Course Audio Program – Get a decade of marketing experience in a convenient audio program so you can build your business fast.
4 Payments of $59
“I told my boss that I will no longer be employed with that company as of the end of the month!”
“Hey big D! Wanted to let you know that business is good! I told my boss that I will no longer be employed with that company as of the end of the month! ( which felt amazing, by the way!) I’ve been following your marketing advice and calls have already started pouring in! I’m super excited for these next few weeks.”
-Wade Kulesa, Sioux Falls, SD
“These last three months I have netted (not grossed, but netted!) more per month than I ever have in my life”
“Dan, you may have saved my life. Or I should say that becoming a handyman last year may have saved my life, but you have given me so much valuable information and confidence that I may not have succeeded without you….You also gave me the courage to raise my prices… These last three months I have netted (not grossed, but netted!) more per month than I ever have in my life — and I’ve been working for 42 years! But money isn’t everything. I’m truly enjoying my work…Though some days are harder than others and there are certainly challenges as in all businesses and jobs, I’m excited to face each day. I consider myself the luckiest guy on the planet — seriously!”
-Erik Story
“I have raised my rates by 50%”
“Thanks to you I am just about to cut the umbilical cord with my company where I have worked for the last 15 years as a salesman. I have raised my rates by 50%, weeded out the bad customers, and convinced my wife (the hardest part of all) that we can do this. Excellent advice, tips, and overall attitude…”
-Dane Buczkowski
“I just wanted to thank you for showing me my passion and how I can make it work.”
“I took your first course and set myself up. Fast forward to this day and I am getting a phone call and an email a day. I have been really excited about my success it has been able to allow me to almost do it full time. I do still work as Union pipefitter and handyman on the side. I just wanted to thank you for showing me my passion and how I can make it work. I will be registering for your next course. Keep up the great work.”
South Surrey Handyman
Mayur Nanubhai
It’s a system.
A PROVEN, step-by-step system that you can follow to launch yourself into successful business ownership.
It’s not just about bland business advice like “go write a business plan.” In fact, writing a business plan is a complete waste of time.
Instead, you’ll learn things like:
- How to become a high paid handyman – instead of a run-of-the-mill cheap labor provider.
- The psychology of your customer and how they choose a handyman, so you can attract the right customers with ease.
- The weird “small things” that will instantly separate you from the more experienced competition – and help you land more jobs – without being salesy or having to self-promote.
WARNING – This isn’t about learning
Turn Your Skills Into Profit isn’t about learning, or just passively absorbing information.
Information isn’t what you need to grow your business. What you need is a step by step formula that you can follow with clear action steps along the way.
And that’s exactly how I’ve designed this training.
Sure, you will learn a LOT about starting your business – most of which can’t be found anywhere else. The difference is that I also give clear action steps you can take to get real results and grow your business.
No more sitting on the sidelines here. It’s time to make your dreams a reality.
How Much Is More Freedom Worth To You?
It’s easy to talk about wanting more out of life. Everybody says they want to be healthier, make more money, and spend more time doing what they enjoy.
But there’s a BIG difference between saying we want these things and actually investing time and money toward getting them.
So I’m asking you – how much is more freedom and control over your schedule worth to you?
What is it costing you to NOT take action and follow your dreams of owning a business?
For me and hundreds of my students, the hard work it took to build our businesses was well worth the effort.
But how will your life change once you’re the proud owner of a profitable business?
Maybe you’ll get to be there for your kids when they wake up and when they go to bed.
Maybe you’ll get to leave a legacy behind for your kids.
Maybe you’ll just have more free time to do whatever you like to do.
These are all great reasons to start a business and take control of your life. And the good news is that they are all within reach. All you need to do is take action.
You don’t need to be perfect and you will probably make mistakes, but as long as you keep putting one foot in front of the other, your ideal lifestyle is within reach.
I’m literally handing you the keys to the kingdom here. It’s all step by step, and it’s been proven by me and hundreds of others from all over the country – in big cities and in small towns – and even in other countries.
A year from now, you’ll be one year older. Where do you want to be? What do you want to be doing?
You could have a profitable business by then, or you could be in the same place you are now. It’s really up to you and whether or not you want to bet on yourself.
There’s zero risk. If it works, then you get to enjoy more freedom and control over your time. If it doesn’t work or if you you don’t like it for any reason, you can get your entire investment back.
So if you’re ready to start your business, let’s do this. Click the button below, fill out the one page order form, and you’ll get instant access to Turn Your Skills Into Profit, the startup checklist, and both audio programs.
4 Payments of $59