Looking for an easy way to increase your profitability? Consider limiting your service area. That’s what Michael Rodriguez (a.k.a MROD) of BelleCreak Handyman & Remodeling did.
In fact, he built his business while focusing primarily on a single subdivision. Listen in to this episode of the Handyman Startup Podcast to learn all about it.
I’m fascinated with what Michael and his partner Alex were able to achieve. It really goes to show how in demand a good handyman service can be.
Now, I understand that is may sound counterintuitive that limiting your service area can actually be more profitable, but it actually makes a lot of sense. Here are some of the benefits of limiting your service area.
- Save time – Time is your most valuable asset and you want to use it wisely. Driving all over town all day isn’t providing any value to your customer, and it’s wasting your time, especially when there are plenty of customers within a small area to keep more than one guy busy.
- Save Money – Gas isn’t cheap, neither are tires and regular car maintenance. Why travel extra miles when you have plenty of work close to you?
- Better service – By limiting your area, you can actually provide a better service. You’ll have a faster response time and be more available to your customers.
- Increase Profitability – You have two options to increase your profits when limiting your service area. You can either pocket the time and money savings, or you can lower your prices to stay more competitive. Either way, your profits will likely rise.
In this episode…
In this episode of the Handyman Startup Podcast, I sit down with Michael Rodriguez and discuss exactly how he built his business with a very limited service area.
That’s not all we cover, either. MROD was generous enough to share his best practices and what he’s learned while building his business.
Here’s what to expect in this episode:
- A cheap and effective method for generating leads. (Hint: Anyone can start using this right away)
- How to build a successful business in a single subdivision.
- The power of having a partner in this business.
- How to sell more services to your customers once you’re in the door.
- An easy way to make your customers feel special and build instant trust.
- Plus a whole bunch of handyman business insight from a handyman who just got started last year.
Links & Resources
- BelleCreek Handyman – bchandy.com
- ThumbTack.com
- Interview with a Californian handyman – Here is another example of an interview with a handyman who introduced me to the idea of limiting my service area.
- The E-Myth Landscape Contractor
– Mike highly recommended this book and says that it’s very applicable to handyman business. (affiliate link)
Thanks for listening! And thanks to Michael Rodriguez for sharing what he’s learned to help others. I definitely appreciate him taking the time out of his busy schedule.
I always enjoy connecting with other handymen and hearing their stories andI hope you enjoy it, too!
Know anybody else who would like the podcast? If so, do them and me a favor and share it!
Comments or Questions
Do you limit your service area? If so, how has it effected your business? Let me know in the comments below!
Hey Mike,
The podcast was great and we’ve actually taken the same approach as Mike. We are concentrating our startup handyman business in our development. I’ve posted our Flyer on our development’s Facebook page and every day this week we’ve received a call or a message regarding work being needed. I agree completely with the trust aspect. We are going to use very personalized door hangers this weekend for our neighborhood. Who better to call than your neighbor?
Thank you so much for all your information. It is priceless and very much appreciated
Thanks for listening, Dawn!
Great interview. More helpful tips and suggestions.
I found Mike’s interview very informative. I got the distinct impression that both men knew what they were talking about. Of course, I’m slightly partial to the person who was interviewed because I’m his father.
Great interview! I loved the word about Thumbtack. I am a member and have received some good leads from them which grew into more business just by suggestive selling. Keep up the good work.
I’ll keep them coming!
Mike’s interview very was informative. A local re-modeler in my area gets permission and leaves a sign (looks something like a real estate sign) in the front yard for about a week with his company name and number. The advertising lets drive by traffic and neighbors know his company is on the move working in the area. Bob’s comment on suggestive selling is so true. A electrician I have was shocked when he noticed my new furnace and that I hadn’t called him. I had to admit I didn’t realize he also did HVAC work. Had I known I would have called him to do the work. Drives home the point to be in front of the customer. Thanks Dan…
Thanks for the comment and the sign idea, Jim!
Mike’s an inspiration who believes in his work and puts 110% passion into his interactions with people. His ability to build trust comes naturally to him because he genuinely enjoys learning, helping others and creating. BC Handy is a natural evolution of his endless capabilities. Great interview all around guys!
Hi Dan,
I wasn’t to sure if being a Handyman was something I wanted to do. After reading your website and listening to your podcast, I now know its what I need to do. Thank you for all you information.
You’re welcome. You have not idea how great it makes me feel to know that I helped you with that decision. Enjoy the journey!