Florida is a handyman-friendly state – meaning you can legally provide a wide variety of services without obtaining a contractor’s license.
However, there are a few things you’ll want to know before you start advertising handyman services.
Here you’ll find a detailed explanation of what you can and cannot do as an unlicensed handyman, what licenses are required, and comments from other pro handymen in Florida.
Do you need a license to be a handyman in Florida?
No, there is no required contractor’s license to perform basic handyman services in exchange for money. However, there are limitations on which services you can provide unless you decide to get a contractor’s license.
Please note: You do need a business license regardless of the services you offer.)
Florida Handyman Limitations
Florida is a handyman-friendly state. You can do a wide range of services without a contractor’s license of any kind, which is pretty nice if you don’t want to jump through a bunch of hoops to start your handyman business.
You can NOT do the following work without a contractor’s license of some kind:
- Work on foundations
- Work on structural walls
- Plumbing of any kind
- Electrical of any kind
- HVAC – (Heating, ventilating, and cooling)
- Additions
- Asbestos abatement
- Alarm system install, repair, or maintenance
Now that might sound like a lot of limitations, but there is a lot of work you can perform as an unlicensed handyman. Let’s dig into that a little deeper.
Electrical Work
Florida law is stringent when it comes to electrical work. Here’s what the Department of Business and Professional Regulation website says:
“If you pay someone to perform even the simplest of electrical work, such as connecting two wires, you must hire a licensee.”
That means no installing ceiling fans or replacing lighting fixtures. You can’t even replace an outlet.
Here’s electrical work you CAN perform WITHOUT a license:
- Change a lightbulb
- Change outlet cover plates
- Setup home theater components (as long as you aren’t running wires through the wall)
- Hang a flat-screen TV on the wall
- Set up wireless computer networks
“10 Profitable Handyman Services You Can Offer WITHOUT a Contractor’s License”
Stop waiting and start making money. Download this short PDF, where I reveal ten of the most profitable, in-demand services you can start offering today.
Handyman Plumbing Limitations
You can NOT do any plumbing outside of simple tasks like installing a water filter to the faucet. However, the DBPR website doesn’t go much into specifics.
Here is the small list of plumbing work you CAN do without a contractor’s license:
- Add a water filter to a faucet
- Install or repair irrigation systems that have a back-flow preventer (But you’d need a licensed plumber to hook the system up to the potable water line. You can’t tap into any potable water lines without being a licensed plumber.)
General Construction Work
Compared to most states, Florida is quite lenient for general construction such a carpentry, painting, or tile work. While many states have a dollar limit of $1,000 on handyman jobs, Florida has no such limit.
No, you can’t do structural work, like work on foundations, build new additions, or even make modifications to structural walls, but there is quite a bit you can do.
According to the DBPR website, here’s some work you CAN do as a handyman in Florida without a license:
- Paint
- Install cabinets
- Repair fences
- Repair doors & windows
- Install wood or tile flooring
- Install insulation
- Install a driveway or tile walkway
- Install awnings that do not become permanent fixtures to the structure
- Clean swimming pools (no chemical work allowed)
- Lawn maintenance
- Basic landscaping such as planting plants (no grading)
- Build a pre-fabricated shed less than 250 sq feet.
Additional Limitations
Here are a few more projects that are off-limits without a license:
- Install a dishwasher
- Replace a water heater
- Install an air-conditioning unit (except for plug-in window units)
- Repair or replace swimming pool pumps
- Build a barn, metal building, or detached garage.
For more details and to read the laws themselves, visit MyFloridaLicense.com.
Already offering handyman services in Florida?
If so, I’d love to hear from you. Please leave a comment below to share your knowledge or experience.
Well, I must disagree with all this talk about having to get a license to do anything in Florida.
First off, I have the Constitution of the United States of American, which guarantees me the pursuit of life and happiness and I owe no dues to the state.
If I think I am qualified to do a plumbing installation, I inform the person that I’m doing the work for that they must agree with me that they will hold me harmless for any malfunctions of any degree if the installation should fail. That is my right under the Constitution to contract and I don’t need a state license. It’s obvious why the State wants you to be registered with the Department of Revenue, they want the tax money in exchange you supposedly will get State protection if someone sues you. That is a gamble the non-licensed person takes and if you have a written contract with the person showing that they hold you harmless for any default, a suit against you would have to be dismissed.
Now I wait for some smart lawyer to contradict what I have said.
Sorry snowflake, you don’t get to disagree with state law. The Constitution does not give you any right to to ignore state laws. If you were a true American, you would understand the importance of State’s Rights and how every state can subject its citizens to follow laws that are established for the public good. Don’t like it? Then leave the UNITED STATES and go to some third-world country where you can perform all the unlicensed work that your little heart desires.
The state requires you to be licensed to perform specific work so idiots like you can’t put people in danger for performing a crappy job. The licensing also comes with additional insurance requirements, so those same people don’t need to worry about you going bankrupt when they sue you in court.
Also, your talk of a “hold harmless” clause is complete nonsense. It doesn’t take a lawyer to tell you that gross negligence cannot be simply ‘wiped away’ with a written contract. I’ll make it simple for you to understand – you perform unlicensed work and you mess up, not only are you getting sued but you’re going to jail.
Let him have it brother
I call bullshit i know numerous so called licensed contractors,plumbers etc that do some real shitty work and have put people in danger but guess where they are not jail the State doesn’t give two shits about weather or not your toilet gets installed correctly so long as they receive them taxes. Also those thirs world countries you’re talking about allot of them have people who would out build everyone you know they do things that you couldn’t fathem
The whole point of licensing is to make sure that competent people are performing these task. There are laws in the state that protect both the homeowner and the contractor. I am a licensed building contractor and I do have insurance and people are much more Comfortable and better off hiring licensed people. Would you go to an unlicensed dentist or doctor? Of course not you want to know the person who is performing the work knows what they are doing, and will be liable for any errors And any contract between an unlicensed contractor and homeowner is worthless anyway
I have to disagree a little, I have seen many a licensed contractor who did a shity half assed job that would have been better done by literally anyone else, licensed or not. Not having a license does not in anyway mean you dont do good work, infect many do better work then contractors do because contractors do have better insurance and dont have to worry as much about their crapy work ethic bitting them in the ass. In reality it is the same exact situation on both sides, most do good work but it’s the small handful of morons that get the spotlight. The point I’m making is that just because 1 person is an idiot, doesn’t mean the other 5 million people in that profession are and having a license doesn’t mean they know what they are doing.
I agree Mike. I know many contractor’s that do shitty work and have the I don’t care attitude. My husband is a “handyman” and will not undertake any job that he isn’t 100% capable of doing. He is honest, reliable and has steady work. He can’t get his license because someone that needs to make a living can’t stop and go to school or as it has been said on this site many times, jump through all of the hoops. Just because you have a license, doesn’t mean you are any more capable than someone else that has 25 years experience. My husband worked in million dollar homes and is very respected by people he has done work for. He doesn’t advertise because it is all word of mouth and repeat customers. Mike, you hit the nail on the head! So dumb a statement asking if you would go to an unlicensed dentist. I’m an LPN and with all of my experience, I know more than many RN’s. I had to raise a family and couldn’t go back to school but that doesn’t mean I don’t know what I’m doing if your having a heart attack.
Absolutely love this
Agree, that piece of paper doesn’t make you a “contractor”, too many so called professionals out there think because they can pound a nail in a piece of wood they’re a pro!
Very well said. As I have told my 4 children that if I had gone for a job as a Breadman today where I met their mom and now 40 years of marriage they wouldnt exist because licensing today has become the gov mafia as today I would have had to get a license before I was hired a cist if nearly 400. Even to cut hair you need a license. Its all about the gov getting their cut. Thats it. There are so many licensed companies out there ripping people off and the gov dies not care. Its all about the money. Pathetic.
Your statement is NOT entirely true. I have been told my several people why everything is SO restricted is because dishonest people took advantage of Hurricane victims. While I see that licensing is generally a good thing, Florida has gone WAY overboard. Probably due to Florida Contractor’s lobbying. I have been a licensed electrical contractor in California foe over 20 years. Florida doesn’t recognize my license. Even though I am now a resident of Florida. Also why does it take a ‘Florida Electrical Contractor’ to change a light switch? Would an ‘electrician’ be able to complete this task. Florida is NOT business friendly at all.
Well, NOT quite.
Even if the homeowner holds you harmless, should something go wrong, and the homeowner has to have his insurance company pay to fix it, the insurance company will come after you. And you will end up in court. And you will pay a lot of money for either an attorney, a judgement or both.
That’s right! First, I find it humorous that anyone would sign what is basically a waiver saying if this unlicensed guy makes a mistake they won’t hold him liable. Who is really that stupid? Second, if something is not done properly or to code and the customer has a problem and the county gets involved the customer is fined as well as the unlicensed worker if they haven’t skipped town, which is usually the case. And third, just as you said, if it turns into an insurance claim, the signed waiver becomes worthless when the insurance company sues.
I have recently open a handyman business LLC. However various people have told me That my husband has to be licensed in county and have a local license.. Is this true? I live in fort Myers Florida Lee county.
I’m considering starting a Handy’WO’man Service that is a S-Corporation but I am not a licensed contractor would I be able to hire licensed electrical and plumbing contractors to work for me for specific jobs?
No you can not
Hello Rhonda, Good for you starting a Handy Woman service! I’ve done work for myself for decades! And also help out some of my friends with their own homes. But I just learned from a Real Estate Attorney, that in order for me to hire ‘sub contractors’ to do work for others, State of FL requires that I have a General Contractors license. So. There’s that.
No… that will put you as a “Subcontractor” which still leaves you at risk! You can only recommend contractors
As a Handyman Services, You can hire an “Independent Contractor” to do parts of jobs that needs a license. They have to bid it.
It is my understanding that a handyman cannot hire subs, they can only recommend. A General Contractor License is required to sub-contract any service that requires licensing. The only reason to sub services is ultimately to be able to add a “handling” fee or commission. As long as you do not invoice for subcontracted through your company, you’re fine.
We ran into the same problem. My husband’s employer didn’t have any jobs, so my husband found some handyman things to get us through. He was getting jobs left and right, so we decided to open a LLC for handyman services. Go to apply to for the business license with the county, only to be told they don’t offer a business tax receipt for handyman services, but he would need a competency card from the county for the services we listed, which don’t require a license on the state website. Everyone (state and counties) need to be on the same page!
You onlynewd a occupation license In lee county to perform certain Handyman work. I’ve been a Handyman in Lee county for 5 yrs and I hold a occupation license, 2,000,000 GA coverage.
It is my understanding that in Lee County you do have to acquire a handyman license. You will be required to pay an annual tax to the county that used to be called an occupational license plus your actual contractor’s license. My spouse holds our painting contractors license and the cost is less than $150 a year to the county. It is insurance that costs about $1500 a year which is required to maintain your license. Also many gated communities HOA’s require that all contractors provide a license, proof of insurance and proof of worker’s compensation insurance or if you are the owner, you can get comp exemptions. Still any employees will be required to have comp.
I already have an ein number I’m also a business owner and I am also incorporated. All I want to do is keep my same company name and add handy man projects to my insurance and to keep the same name.is this possible I am in port saint lucie florida.my work is in st.lucie county. Need help?
Some Counties in Florida are more restrictive than the State in requiring licenses. For example, Lee County requires a license to paint or do drywall along with many other things. They spell it out on the affidavit you sign to get a General Maintenance Business Receipt (fka “occupational license”). Their requirements trump the State’s and severely limit what a “Handyman” is allowed to do.
Broward county, as well. However, they don’t spell it out on their application. There is no mention at all of what a “handyman” is or can do in their county ordinances. The info they sent me is to apply for the competency card is for a general contractor, journeyman or specialty contractor, but again, not handyman specific. The whole reason we went with handyman services was to not have to apply or become license, since we aren’t in a position to do so.
I want to put a magnetic handyman sign on my truck what can it say by FL law for advertising
Did you get the answer to this if so what is it ? Ty
Has to be a commercial vehicle
Florida and county licensing is nothing but a money making scam. I have seen plenty of so called licensed contractors in our county that I would not hire to build a dog house. I was a contractor in New York for 17 years and rated 8th in the region and I refuse to buy the so called books and pay all the political hogwash fees they want. Giving someone a license does not make them a professional. Just ask the many so called licensed drivers in Florida. What is sad if we have another hurricane people will suffer as most of the contractors have left after the housing bust. Florida needs to re-look at some of their rules and laws as they are overbearing and really do not protect the public.
Well. Florida has no state Income Tax. And one way for the state to acquire funds to provide public services, is to require Licenses for some workers. But hey, if you prefer to pay state income tax, you can ‘skip’ on to another state, eh? Land of the Free!
In port Saint Lucie you can not paint. You can’t even touch up paint.
coming from someone who screwed us out of money, he jeffrey scott or his son i believe did all kinds of illeagle things and stole money. thats why psl requires permits because of people like jeffrey scotts reputation.
I would really like someone to help me, I contacted Broward County and Palm Beach (where I live), Boca Raton and I would like to know where and how to get the handyman license or an occupational license handyman, please if anyone can help me , I’m grateful.
I’m in the same boat as you. Same question Same County
I recently started my own Handyman Service and I registered my company with the State of Florida. From what I received in writing from the state, I would have to disagree with the oversimplification that a handyman can’t change out faucets, toilets, garbage disposals, dishwashers, etc. According to the scope of work for a handyman any plumbing fixture can be replaced by a handyman. Not only that, but light fixtures can be changed out. The limitation is that a licensed contractor is required to run a new line of plumbing or electricity. Now having said all that, I recommend you don’t attempt anything over your skill level and I recommend for your own protection getting the LLC and liability insurance. Check with your state office for limitations of a Handyman Service.
What are the steps you did first in order to start this handy man business I want to do same in plumbing ty
Billy could you post where you got this writing from I’m in south Florida and would like to have this info for my protection. I read that we are not allowed to do any electrical or plumbing without a license in Florida and to be unlicensed we are very limited in what we can do as handy man I’m so confused as to what license I actually need to do basic electrical and plumbing. I learned basic electrical working as an apprentice for 6 months so why the hell cant I do what I know to make a living is what I’m trying to figure out. Basic plumbing is not rocket science either.
I was specifically told by the Florida Department of Professional regulation that I could definitely NOT install a dishwasher without a plumber’s license. I have no doubt that we could get different answers from the state depending on who we ask!
My spouse and I have been installing tile for a guy in North Port, Florida. I know that a license to do so is not required in the State of Florida nor is it required in Sarasota county. However, this guy is suddenly trying not to pay us because he says a license is required and we are virtually finished with the job. I can’t seem to find out if a license was required in the town of North Port. This work was referred to us by a realtor friend and we were told that no where in Florida required a contractor license to install tile? Can you answer about this?
If they told you no where in the state, they lied. Charlotte county requires a permit to install any flooring or tile. You can’t paint or do drywall either, well that’s what they say.
Just lost my case in court in Florida for attempting to collect an unpaid bill for work I did as a Handyman. I had a handyman license and insurance. The court said my bill was more than a $1000 and therefore was acting as an un-licensed contractor and can not collect. I need proof of your claim that a handyman is not restricted to $1000 or less per job so I can appeal this ruling. Need help! Please!
Judge is correct. You can only do jobs up to 1k
I’m not sure about state wide, but the Lean laws require a NOC to be filed with the local court for any job over $1k, also you have to have a contract signed with the customer stating these laws. Also in order to file a NOC with the city, you need a contractors license. Almost every county we have encountered wants a permit pulled for an NOC as well. Also you will have to have your state contractors license registered in the county and with the city of work. Also each county wants a current copy of your workman’s comp insurance or exemption. I know this is True for Charlotte, Pinellas, Hillsboro, Citrus, Pasco, Levey, Manatee, and Marion counties.
Do you need a license to install commercial and or residential wood/ metal doors, wood or metal frames and hardware associated?
I recently moved from up ohio where contracting laws are even more lax. I am curious to if a handman can legally build an exterior deck that is attached to home?
I live in tampa florida and I’m handyman. and searched the web like getting a handyman license and it just doesn’t exist. I went to the county and they tell me that there is no such license, but they tell me that I must have a license to work. when I ask you again what I have to do to get it, you just don’t know. it’s like there’s a loophole in the law. on the other hand, ask for a license to place screen and some say they don’t need and others say they do. but again where can it be processed? when you enter the state or county website there is no such license. the same goes for a painter’s license. there is no specific license for this. as I understand it, I should apply for a general contractor’s license. but how can such a license be applied for if a painter has always been a painter and has not worked as a general contractor? can someone help me with my doubts?. it will be for these reasons that many do not
I work in Tampa. The state of Florida might not have a painting license i do know the county has one it’s called a specialty contractors lic. Not in every county I know it’s in Pinellas County Florida Check with the county in Tampa hillsbrough county
JSome things which REQUIRE A LICENSE – This list IS NOT ALL INCLUSIVE:
All Painting
All Drywall
Tile & marble
Ceiling fans – requires electrical
Light fixtures – requires electrical
Light switches – requires electrical
Hardwood flooring
Faucets – requires plumbing
Gutter installation
Siding, windows and doors
Sprinkle repair – requires plumbing or irrigation
The below are things that DO NOT require a license, if the work is something not on this list, you must inquire for a specific answer:
Laminate flooring
Vinyl flooring
Window screens
Pressure washing
Gutter cleaning
Any type of cleaning in general
Pavers (CANNOT involve pool coping or any setting into concrete)
Appliance repair
Hanging pictures/TV/towel bars/toilet paper holders, etc.
Hang blinds/window treatments in general
Interior doors replacement, no framework – closets, rooms
Any landscaping/lawn maintenance
There are 3 steps in the process of getting a Contractor’s License (also call a Certificate of Competency):
Application packet (STEP 1) completed and turned in 30 days prior contractor’s licensing Board meeting (STEP 2) and after receiving Board approval, testing (STEP 3).
You will find a list of licensed trades in the application instructions and a checklist of items required in the application. Please review the application instructions carefully as you will find the answers to many questions you may have.
If you like, we will review your application for completeness prior to your turning it in. You can email the application (DO NOT FILL IN YOUR SSN) and we will let you know if it is satisfactory for board review. Please note: you will still have to turn in the original application either in person or by mail. It is highly recommended you bring it in person.
Be sure the licensed contractor that completes the experience verification form details your knowledge of the trade. If the contractor is NOT STATE OF FLORIDA CERTIFIED CONTRACTOR, provide a copy of their license and ensure that the license held required testing on both the trade and basic business law in that state/jurisdiction. To do this, you may obtain an application from the agency that issued the contractor’s license. The application instructions will clearly state if testing is required. For example, if you look at the Hillsborough County license application, it clearly states that testing is involved in the process.
The tests are administered through a 3rd party. After board approval, your information is given to the testing agency and they will be in contact with you to set up dates, fees, and give you information regarding testing procedure and reference materials.
ose, I got this sent to me from Hillsborough county. Hope it helps.
Not sure about Tamp, but window screening requires a license in Pinellas, along with breathing, having a heartbeat and living. Not a friendly place to try and make a living.
Alot of your info is wrong. You do not need a contractors license to replace a ceiling fan and some other things you posted.
Handyman license is now called occupational license
State license: Yes ; Registration: Yes
The state of Florida has two types of licenses: registered and certified. A registered contractor is licensed to work at a local level. A certified contractor can work anywhere in the state. A painting contractor should have at least 4 years of working experience and must have passed the state certification exam.
Painters in Florida have to apply for a general contractor license issued by the Construction Licensing Board. In order to obtain that license you may be required to:
Show proof of at least 4 years of experience
Pass a state certification exam
Show proof of Workers Compensation (if you have employees)
Note that in some counties additional licenses may be required for painters, so make sure you look into this before accepting any painting project.
Florida has become ridiculous with the rules on handymen.
Used to be you could install a ceiling fan, change a light switch (two wires mind you), and pull the p trap from a sink and clean it and then change the faucet.
But, not any more! Now they will throw the book at you for doing this type of work if your not an elect electrician or plumber! The public is the ones who are paying for it to. Ever try to get an electrician or plumber? Normally they are on big projects and it cost them money to pull off a project to come over to your place and install a ceiling fan etc.! And of course they have to pass this on to the customer by charging higher rates!
I’m sick of Florida and since I live near the Georgia line I will be moving my business to Georgia. At least their laws for the most part in construction make sense!!!
How do you know all this? Can you tell me the website that tells want you need a license for in Florida?
Every county is different
The biggest challenge isn’t just counties, it’s also cities. In Cape Coral, the City of Fort Myers and Sanibel Island, an additional license is required all in Lee County. I do not think you have to pass a competency test to get a handyman license.
I’m a licensed plumber in fl the laws are tough I went to the licensing board ask if we could patch drywall a paint areas we cut opened in customers homes I was the told I would have to get a residential contractors license on top of my existing license to do those repairs in residential homes, commercial building would require a different license. I’m going to stick to plumbing those tests are hard and books and corses are expensive, I was into it about 4K and a lot of studying It’s worth it though For the plumbing lic I just don’t have in me to do that for a little bit of repair work all over again
What do I need to do to get a Plumbers Lic in Florida how much will it cost me thanks
My husband is working as a framer and has done things like changing out windows and doors put down dome flooring worked on decks he has replaced some plumbing fixtures wired ceiling fans patched wall and he is wanting to start a handyman business we live in Columbia County FL and just need to know what to do to get started and be legal it’s been difficult working for someone just want to be his own boss and have me do the book keeping and possibly help him alittle I do know a few things anyone can let’s know what we have to do to get a business started
I had a handyman business back in 09 in Pinellas county Fl. and I was taken to court because a customer was slow paying me on a large job. They turned Apt into Condos and found asbestos in the floors. So the Developer sold a bunch of bare units after remediation. They sold empty shells. So I was putting the kitchen together, bathrooms, tile the floors etc. I did no structural or real electric or plumbing work. The customer went to the state attorney (after I pulled off the job for slow paying) and told them I had introduced myself as a licensed Contractor which never happened. The whole time in court I kept asking what work I did that required a license. They didn’t care about that they want to just find a punishment and move on. They charge me with operating as a specialty contractor without a license. Yet they couldn’t tell me one thing I did that required a specialty contractor’s license. It is a class A misdemeanor which means if I get caught working again as a contractor that class A misdemeanor turns into a felony this is how ridiculous Florida construction laws are. Now I just started another business doing handyman work but I have to turn down a lot of work because I’m afraid that it is some Sting that they run here in Pinellas County trying to bust non-licensed workers which is something they do do here in Pinellas County especially St Pete I had had a lawyer draw up a contract stating that I’m not a licensed contractor and to the best of our knowledge me and the customer the work I’m doing does not require a contractor’s license don’t know if that will hold up in court or not but it did cost me 350 bucks so hopefully that well help. but if things keep going the way they are here in Florida I will be moving to North Carolina to start my business!!!!
Florida is tough but the judge railroaded you. They should of explained your crime. I would of fought it. The burden is on them to prove you did something you needed a license for.
Any way to get a copy of that form? I’m in seminole county Florida and things have to change.
Yes I agree. Florida is just stupid how they regulate home services. Just started a handyman service and after years of working without any registration I have discovered that there is no license. There is a business tax receipt but no handyman license in Volusia County. So I now have 300K in insurance and a business tax receipt. I think that is all that is needed.
There is a license they just changed the name
I perform janitorial/maintenance work for a condo building in Gulfport. I was recently fined $500.00 for standing on a ladder and putting in a few screws in our carport roof before the predicted hurricane would hit us. The inspector told me a licensed contractor would need to do the work. I don’t believe a contractor would want the job of screwing in 10-20 screws. If someone did come out they would probably charge a fortune. I receive little pay for the work the Board asks me to do. I basically perform a lot of work for free to reduce the cost of maintaining our condo building. The inspector with Pinellas County told me I was not even authorized to be on a ladder. He also said the only things I can do are sweep and mop floors and take out trash – and I was not allowed to perform touch-up painting or any other small maintenance task. Since that time, I have received conflicting information from the city and other individuals. I desire to be a blessing to our building, but do not want to perform tasks that are unlawful. Please help me to know what tasks, if any, I can lawfully perform for our condo building. Thank you so much in advance for your help in this matter.
Do I need a drywall contractor’s license to do drywall repairs in Florida? I want to start a side business repair and patching drywall.
Only patch work
I have just recently start a handyman company, a customer I am doing some work for asked if I could put up some gutters on his home. He only has gutters on the front of his home he wants more added. Is this something I could do without a contractors license?
New laws have been added to Floroda legislature that is trying to prevent the monopolies on simple DIY work. Floroda sets restrictions on simple things most states don’t regulate. I’m spent my entire life in Illinois installing ceiling fans and switches and outlets and dishwashers and now that I’m in Florida I have to work at Dollar General… DBPR letterhead says “License Efficiently and Regulate Faily”
So unless I get GC I can’t do anything but now lawns. It’s a joke. So if you come from a civilized state and move to Florida and want to be a tradesman be prepared for ex con crews lead by old money half wits with GC. Every person I have spoke to about any company in the region licensed and Insured is a JOKE. And I have seen the shit work these ex felons do for their slave driving boss… I’m a craftsman. Not a felon. Florida is a state that sees trades as a place where youvwork when you can’t pass a background check. That all being said where do I work?! With ex cons staring at all my tools I’ve invested in for the last 20 years?? Learning the laws in this state is something it takes a fucking 6 year degree…. It’s a monopoly and it forces out qualified people. I’m sure there are the ones who are scam artsists… The locals… Some of us want to do right by the state… But illegal stings benefit the state more. And the people here believe anything they are told by the corrupt entrapment addicted law enforcement in this state. I wanted to start a business here and help the locals get family attention from a lifelong craftsman. But Florida wants me to do far too much with little return die to low cost of living and poor economic state most people are in and the extremes their law enforcement goes to persecute average people and uses media to justify their law breaking tactics….. I’ll take my business to another state… not worth the time money and risk of gangster cops “doing good”
New laws have been added to Florida legislature that is trying to prevent the monopolies on simple DIY work. Florida sets restrictions on simple things most states don’t regulate. I’m spent my entire life in Illinois installing ceiling fans and switches and outlets and dishwashers and now that I’m in Florida I have to work at Dollar General… DBPR letterhead says “License Efficiently and Regulate Faily”
So unless I get GC I can’t do anything but now lawns. It’s a joke. So if you come from a civilized state and move to Florida and want to be a tradesman be prepared for ex con crews lead by old money half wits with GC. Every person I have spoke to about any company in the region licensed and Insured is a JOKE. And I have seen the shit work these ex felons do for their slave driving boss… I’m a craftsman. Not a felon. Florida is a state that sees trades as a place where youvwork when you can’t pass a background check. That all being said where do I work?! With ex cons staring at all my tools I’ve invested in for the last 20 years?? Learning the laws in this state is something it takes a fucking 6 year degree…. It’s a monopoly and it forces out qualified people. I’m sure there are the ones who are scam artsists… The locals… Some of us want to do right by the state… But illegal stings benefit the state more. And the people here believe anything they are told by the corrupt entrapment addicted law enforcement in this state. I wanted to start a business here and help the locals get family attention from a lifelong craftsman. But Florida wants me to do far too much with little return die to low cost of living and poor economic state most people are in and the extremes their law enforcement goes to persecute average people and uses media to justify their law breaking tactics….. I’ll take my business to another state… not worth the time money and risk of gangster cops “doing good”
Do I need a license to put in garage doors in Florida.it says that you do not need a contractor’s license or handyman license but I’m not sure. Thank you
I find this all very disgraceful that the Handyman label has been so long tarnish and not given an opportunity to transpired as men of experience who are getting the shaft by these so call redericks on the control board.
This is false. It even has a disclaimer that says it is the opinion of the author and is not legal advise. Noneed to debate this after that. THIS IS ONLY THE AUTHORS OPINION. LOL
On 3/1/2013 – Robert W. Moody, chair of the construction industry licensing board issued a declaratory statement that stated that a plumbing license was not required in the state of Florida to remove and/or install dishwashers provided that the materials and labor cost did not exceed $1,000 dollars
I have a rental landlord who is hired his best friend to be his maintenance man now I’m sure he’s paying his rent throughout the month for him to come and work on his properties but this man is not license not insured not bonded and I’m pretty sure he’s not working on anybody’s contract license what do I do about this and how do I check up to find out whether he’s capable of doing any repairs on this house that he is done including palming a c drywall and I live in a house that has one fire alarm in a two-bedroom one-bathroom house I live in Florida I’m just confused right now because this man whatever he touches gets halfway fixed and I have no repercussions at this point in time because the landlord won’t work with me and this man has no clue what he’s doing when he fixes anyting someone please help me
I understand with the concept of requiring a license – to insure that competent people who know what they are doing, are doing it right.
That said, I can’t believe the horrible work completed by “licensed professionals” that I have had to undo and redo myself – while NOT being licensed. Typically on my own property and not for hire so in many areas this is allowed (depending on the type of work).
The big problem is that you have to regularly “do” the work to make it worth going through the time, hassle, cost of getting a license. I think you should be able to replace in like kind items without a license. For example, replace a fan as long as you don’t alter the wiring or run new wire. Or replace a dishwasher as long as you aren’t installing a new one. In Florida you need a license to install a dishwasher. But not an oven or refrigerator? Doesn’t make any sense to me. Just my $0.02.
We intended to start a handyman business in Broward County offering basic repairs and maintenance. This turned out to be a nightmare. In trying to obtain a business tax license, it was determined that we can not do much of anything at all and have been reduced to offer cleaning/janitorial and plant care services only. In order to paint someones bathroom or fix a fence plank you need to qualify as a specialty contractor. This process requires that you have worked for a licensed contractor that will sign a affidavit attesting to your employment and experience, references from two supply houses you have done business with (construction related), provide personal and business credit reports and financial statements, etc. If you have not been directly employed by a business related to construction basically disqualifies you from doing pretty much anything as a HANDYMAN. No I have not worked for a contractor as a painter, however I am certainly capable of painting someones bathroom. This has been an eye opening experience and very frustrating trying to navigate the state and county regulations. I understand that you must be an official company, the insurance/financial requirements etc, but to say that you need to qualify as a specialty contract for something as basic as paint a bathroom, replace a fence plank, repair a nail whole in drywall is excessive in my opinion. Rules are in place to protect the consumer, I get that but come on! The steps needed to obtain a Certificate of Competency are almost impossible. It seems like if you want to explore this avenue, buckle down and get your GC License. At least you have income potential and gaining the experience needed to test and qualify would be worth the effort.
Like alot of people COVID 19 has compromised our income and business plans. As a person that is very handy, honest and professional, owns a company, has insurance and financial stability, providing BASIC handyman services seemed like a good avenue to explore. I was completely wrong. Rules are rules and I will comply but am amazed at how this actually works.
I saw on a local channel several weeks back about the governor was going to sign a bill (July 1,2021) in regards to a handyman license. Has any body heard about that. I to have a handyman business and would like to do what is right. But it does seem to be very difficult to get “ whatever”
So what everyone is saying is i can install a ceiling fan and just have the customer connet 2 wires
While I agree there are those sharks that took advantage of the hurricanes and scammed people then disappeared. Some of them have stayed in Florida and created businesses with many employees. How is it that a “home services” company have 60 guys who can do pluming under one license and electrical work under another license and HVAC under yet another? The state only has General Contracting, plumbing, electrical and HVAC as regulated industries however, allow the counties to regulate all industries. This is no more than a money making scheme. While businesses should be registered there is no need for the county to require bank statements, credit report, 5 letters of recommendation, and pass an exam and background check. I’ve been a licensed contractor in Massachusetts for the past 30 years and have never seen such bad faith from the State of Florida’s counties in allowing people to work. Why do I need a license to hang kitchen cabinets, another one to do trim work, one to do a tile backsplash, one to do natural stone, and one to paint,? That’s 5 separate licenses at $230 a license or $1,150 a year. In Massachusetts I can do all that and more for $100 for two years. Also, to get a painting license you have to know about roofs, wallpaper and other irrelevant matters, never mind pass a business and financial section. I came to Florida because my parents couldn’t get there condo remodeled and Collier County was horrible to work in, they do not like out of staters regardless of their ability and out of state license status, tried to do it the right way then just locked the door and closed the curtains and did it that way and it was my own family!! Rediculious!
Attenchion all homeowners and contractors Well first off DeSantis, made this new law, or bill, but basically if your a homeowner and you suspect that a contractor is unlicensed, you can refuse to pay them, and they cannot take you to court to collect payment. This law was passed this just past year. And I’ve recommended a few homeowners use it and it works. Or just get and unlicensed contractor and enjoy the free work! Don’t believe me, look it up for yourself.
Thanks for sharing this, John. I think that very few people would stiff a hard working contractor. As with any state, be careful who you work for.
I’m always doing continued research via internet in regard to “Handyman” or “Unlicensed” contractors in the State of Florida. I do this to make sure that I’m staying within legal guidelines and regulations so I in fact DON’T get sued and dragged through the mud. I own an operate a Handyman business and I can agree with both parties here on this back and fourth issue. In all honesty, a “Waiver of liability” isn’t going to do anything for you if you wire an outlet incorrectly and the clients house burns down. They’re insurance is going to come for you for the everything because they’re not going to cover the damages due to the work being performed by an “unlicensed” person. Now, are your standard wall outlets an easy replacement, absolutely, as is a ceiling fan, BUT IF YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND the basics, then you shouldn’t be doing it licensed or not. I receive tons of calls for estimates from people looking for the “I know a guy that does it cheaper”, or turns out the initial contractor said NOPE, it isn’t worth the risk. It DOESN’T matter either way. Now, on a personal level do I find it ridiculous and completely out of bounds to prevent an unlicensed contractor in this case a “Handyman” from installing a plug & play garbage disposal? Yes, that’s some smooth brain bs. I don’t find any logic in preventing them from installing a simple drain trap, building a shed over 250sqft, cutting down a small tree “Under 25ft”, hanging more than 10sqft of drywall, or capping off a broken sprinkler head AS LONG AS THEY CARRY THE KNOWLEDGE AND LIABILITY INSURANCE TO COVER ANY DAMAGES. There’s definitely a way the State can change this through the development and incorporation of an exam that can be taken which is based on smaller, handyman style jobs and repairs. If the individual takes and passes this exam then they should be able to complete these more “intricate”, but lesser than contractor knowledge tasks. I’ve done work in homes where contractors were present and have been approached multiple times being asked “Would you be open to coming in behind my crew and finishing “blank”. I could guarantee that there’d be hundreds of contracting companies that would participate in the development of such an exam to get “Handyman/Woman” the ability to work at a higher capacity. The State would generate tons of revenue off of this and consumers would save money. I could go on for hours, but I’ll stop here. Don’t be dumb and end up in jail covered by thousands in fines.
In Lee County handyman services are limited to work under $2500 and with regard to electrical it is limited to existing work. This came from the Lee County building department, who responded via phone call. As long as an outlet or fan was just replaced a handyman can do the work. New wiring or additions require a licensed electrician.
It was also stated that this was the rule of thumb and the conduct of the office and not codified because the language of the law is open to interpretation. So just do good clean work.
The issue with allowing handyman/ handywomen to start branching out into the licensed area is this.
From a licensed electricians standpoint, you’re saying changing out these things are simple, and for the most part, they are. But, are they replacing these things because they failed, or are they replacing them because they just want to change them out?
I’ve seen SO many botched handyman jobs on electrical in the panhandle, that it quiet literally makes me sick. I’ve seen bootlegged grounds, seen them snipped grounds, aluminum pigtailed to copper, gfcis removed, ceiling fans held together with faith and love, you name it.
The issue is, there would have to be a boundary, and too many people would keep pushing the boundary.
I think, they would need to make a general aptitude test for a handyman license, with specific questions tying to safety regarding the areas they’re pursuing. Ex. Handyman wants to do electrical, questions pertaining to ground fault/ arc fault, nec regulations regarding dwelling areas, etc.
It’s not always as simple as “twist wire, it work” some of these guys literally go in there and “make it work” without realizing the damage they’re doing to these homes.
And, so so so many homeowners in the panhandle fall for it, insurance inspectors are just as bad as the hacks, they don’t know or care enough to investigate these homes enough prior to selling them, and 4 -6 months after someone buys them, all heck breaks loose.
LITERALLY had a call for a guy telling me his outlet caught fire, came out, he had true cloth wire, and a loose neutral and it had just been burning up for a while until it caught. Offered to repull it, he wanted to get other quotes (which i always recommend) fast forward a year.
I get a call to the same address, different home owner, exact same issue. Only this time, this guy smelled smoke after an outlet stopped working.
Climbed in the attic, and my god at the junctions. Whomever the previous guy hired, took all cloth wire, wago clipped it to new romex and made it look like a rewire.
So no, I’m not saying handymen shouldn’t do electrical, but I think if you’re wanting to do work like a contractor, you should have to test/ understand/ and be able to assess what you’re working with before you can be allowed to work on it.
Ex. Maybe even a HP/HE/HH&C type thing. Where you can opt in to take a test with all 3 trades for basic repairs. Ex. P – plumbing would allow faucets, appliances.
E, fixtures, fans, switches outlets (anything not new or inside of a panel)