Handyman Startup

Learn how to start or grow a handyman business
Low Handyman Business Risk

If you want to start a handyman business, whether full time or part time, you probably have some fears holding you back. The whole idea might seem too risky.

And that actually makes sense on an emotional level. Your brain is designed to fear the unknown and make you run away from uncertainty. But I’d like to share why there is actually very little, if no risk at all.

In fact, it’s likely more risky NOT to start a business that puts you in control of your finances and life. The consistent pay and benefits that comes with a 9-5 give a false sense of security, which is only obvious to those who [continue reading…]

How to Remove a Fence Post The Easy Way

Removing an old fence post can be a pain in the ass – especially if the post has rotted and fallen off. That’s because fence posts are set in a concrete footing that is usually at least two feet deep in the ground.

You could dig it out, but that takes too long. Have you ever dug a two foot deep hole before? If you have hard-packed or rocky soil, even digging down 6″ challenges most people.

But, luckily for you, you aren’t the first person to come across such a challenge. [continue reading…]

Handyman Safety Equipment

The handyman business is a healthy profession – especially when compared to working a desk job. I feel much better when I’m working with my hands all day than when hunching over a keyboard.

But still, there are health risks that come with the territory.

Sure, there are obvious risks, like cutting off a finger or losing an eye. But, other health risks deserve equal attention to avoid.

Toxic chemicals, dust, and certain repetitive movements may not have an immediate effect on the way you feel, but they can significantly impact longevity.

Since I’m all about increasing my functional lifespan, I’m always on the hunt for ways to reduce these unassuming risks. Not only is it better for my health, but it makes the job much more enjoyable when I know I’m not ruining my body.

So, in this article, I will share the tools and equipment I use to keep myself safe and healthy while running my handyman business. [continue reading…]

How To Install a Flagstone Patio

Installing a flagstone patio or path can give your landscape design a huge boost and really impress your guests (or customers if you happen to be a pro).

I love the natural feel they give to a landscape design. Instead of just using boring old paver blocks or even cement, flagstone will make your backyard more interesting and unique.

In this article, I’m going to share exactly how to install a flagstone patio (or path) easily and without the use of concrete or special tools.

Just like everything else, there is more than one way to get this job done. The method I’m showing you is optimized for a balance between simplicity of installation, longevity, and a high-quality professional look. So, not only will it be easy to install, it will last a lifetime.

Let’s get started… [continue reading…]

Breezeworks Handyman Software

The small tasks of running a business can add up quickly and drain your valuable time and energy – even in a simple business like a one-person handyman business.

Anytime you can eliminate, streamline, or automate these small tasks, you should because doing so can dramatically increase your profits and make your business more enjoyable.

And that’s where software can be a game changer.

In many cases, the right software can literally transform your business – allowing you to provide better service to customers, simplify your work flow, reduce paperwork, and even make your business more fun.

I use all kinds of software to run my businesses – from note taking apps like Evernote to e-mail auto-responders like Aweber.

But, the one piece of software I’ve found indispensable for a handyman business is [continue reading…]

What quitting your job feels like

Five years ago I quit my engineering job to start a business. Just like millions of employees across the world, I hated my job. The only difference between them and I is that I actually took the leap.

And you know what? It was the best decision of my life. Not only do I have ten times as much freedom as a result, it was an exhilarating experience to actually quit my job. It made me feel alive.

It was fun to tell my boss I quit and people gave me tons of respect.

To this day, whenever I tell somebody the story of me quitting, they’ll say something like “Wow, that’s really admirable. Most people would just stay and be unhappy for their whole lives. You actually did something about it.”

And when I hear this stuff, my ego expands. People give me all kinds of respect and it feels great – like I’m some ultra confident risk taker or something.

But I have a confession to make – that’s not the whole story. [continue reading…]

As a professional handyman, it’s important to keep your customers coming back for more because that’s where the money is.

In fact, I bet that if you looked at just about any handyman business’s numbers, more than 50% of their revenue will be from repeat customers. And for most, existing customers will make up more like 80% of revenue.

There are plenty of strategies out there to help you keep customers loyal – and most of them are great. You should implement as many as you can.

But, I’ve never heard the fundamentals of keeping customers put so concisely as in Neil Gaiman’s commencement speech. [continue reading…]

How To Install A Decorative Wood Wall For Only $200

If you’re looking to create a feature wall in your home – whether for a nursery, a kitchen, or even a living room – a decorative wood wall is a great way to give your home that extra depth and comfort.

There’s just something about the consistently inconsistent pattern of wood that calms you down and makes you feel a little more zen.

So, if you’re ready to transform your wall right now, sit back, relax, stop reading, and watch the video above. (Trust me, it’s way better than the text.)

But, if you insist on reading, here’s how to install some wood planks on your wall on the cheap while still getting that highly professional look that will finally bring you the happiness you’ve always hoped for and make everybody like you way more. 😉 [continue reading…]

Marketing Makes Business Easier

Why Good Marketing Makes Everything Easier

I used to think that the best way to grow a handyman business was to become the most skilled and knowledgeable handyman.

After all, it seemed to make sense that the more skills I had, the more demand there would be for my services, and as a result, the more profitable my business would become.

There is some truth to that.

But, as I realized later, your success in this business is not a direct result of your skills or expertise. It’s more closely tied to your ability to communicate those skills and expertise to your customers.

Even if you are the best handyman in your city, it won’t matter if you can’t demonstrate that to others. Conversely, if you are the worst handyman in your city, but you can convince customers otherwise, you can still run a profitable business.

That’s fortunate for me, too, because I’m NOT the best handyman in my city. Not by a long shot. The only real experience I had before starting my business was doing a few small repairs on my own home.

Customers weren’t flocking to me when I told them I was opening my business, either. In fact, some of my good friends continued to hire another handyman after I started my business.

Even my friends didn’t want to hire me!

I’m actually thankful for that, too. The struggle to get customers pushed me to really master my marketing. And as a result, my business became far more profitable and enjoyable than it would have otherwise been.

Good marketing makes running a business a breeze. And it’s worth investing your time and money to learn. In fact, It will likely be the most profitable thing you do.

Here are a few reasons why… [continue reading…]

Handyman Business Paperwork

Most people look at an organized person and think, “That person must really enjoy paperwork.”

But I think this is wrong. I’m pretty organized, yet I despise paperwork.

Here’s the more likely scenario. The most organized people just hate paperwork more than everybody else. In fact, they hate it so much that they’re willing to do anything to reduce the amount they have to do.

Just think about it for a second.

I’ll spend 5 hours creating a system for something that might otherwise only take 5 minutes. Who in their right mind would do such a thing? Somebody who wants to do less work later, that’s who.

I know I’ll save dozens of hours later, maybe even hundreds by creating systems that make the work easier or unnecessary instead of just putting out fires in the short term.

So if you struggle to stay organized, maybe it isn’t because you hate paperwork, but because you don’t hate paperwork enough. You just haven’t reached the tipping point yet.

Now maybe you aren’t hypersensitive to this kind of thing like I am, but that doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from the time and effort I’ve spent trying to figure it out.

Here are a few things you can use today to save time on administration tasks in your handyman business. [continue reading…]